
Session 2023-24
Admissions Open

Doaba College, Jal.

Session 2023-24
Admissions Open

KMV, Jal.

MoU Signed
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Sanskriti KMV School

Sanskriti KMV, Jal.

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President's Message

It is a moment of pride for me that I am writing this message for the official website of Arya Shiksha Mandal. Arya Shiksha Mandal is an epitome of the struggle, selfless efforts and unmatched sacrifices of Lala Devraj, Rai Bahadur Diwan Badari Das, Lala Karam Chand Bahri, Raizada Bhagat Ram Sondhi, Lala Achhru Ram Sehgal, Seth Bindraban Sondhi, Lala Jagan Nath Mittal, Lala Pyare Lal Kapoor and various other great souls who worked initially for girl education and then for education for all sections of the society

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About Arya Shiksha Mandal

Kanya MahaVidyalaya was established in 1886 as a “Kanya Pathshala”. In 1897, a body was established named “Kanya Maha Vidhyalaya Mukhya Sabha” which was having representatives of Arya Pratinidhi Sabhas of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, erstwhile Bengal, Mumbai etc. as its members. Prof. Ramdev, Pt. Budhdev Vidyalankar, Acharya Priyavrat and other renowned scholars of Arya Samaj were also members of this Mukhya Sabha. In the year 1940, Rai Bahadur Diwan Badridas, Lala  Brindaban Sondhi and Lala Achhru Ram, the office bearers of the ‘Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Mukhya Sabha’, the committee which was managing Kanya Maha Vidyalaya,  planned to open a boys’ college in Jalandhar. The biggest hurdle in this plan was that as per the constitution of the General House institutions meant only for the propagation and impartment of education to the girls could be established, and it was also clearly mentioned that for education of girls, only the following types of institutions could be opened— read more......

आर्य समाज के नियम

  1. सब सत्य विद्या और जो पदार्थ विद्या से जाने जाते हैं, उन सबका आदि मूल परमेश्वर है। 
  2. ईश्वर सच्चिदानन्द - स्वरूप, निराकार, सर्वशक्तिमान्, न्यायकारी, दयालु, अजन्मा, अनन्त, निर्विकार, अनादि, अनुपम, सर्वाधार, सर्वेश्वर, सर्वव्यापक, सर्वान्तर्यामी, अजर, अमर, अभय, नित्य, पवित्र और सृष्टिकर्त्ता है, उसी की उपासना करनी योग्य है। 
  3. वेद सब सत्य विद्याओं का पुस्तक है।वेद का पढऩा - पढ़ाना और सुनना - सुनाना सब आर्यों का परम धर्म है।
  4. सत्य के ग्रहण करने और असत्य के छोडऩे में सर्वदा उद्यत रहना चाहिये। 
  5. सब काम धर्मानुसार अर्थात् सत्य और असत्य को विचार करके करने चाहियें। 
  6. संसार का उपकार करना इस समाज का मुख्य उद्देश्य है, अर्थात् शारीरिक, आत्मिक और सामाजिक उन्नति करना। 
  7. सबसे प्रीति - पूर्वक धर्मानुसार यथायोग्य वर्तना चाहिये। 
  8. अविद्या का नाश और विद्या की वृद्धि करनी चाहिये। 
  9. प्रत्येक को अपनी ही उन्नति में सन्तुष्ट न रहना चाहिए, किन्तु सब की उन्नति में अपनी उन्नति समझनी चाहिये। 
  10. सब मनुष्यों को सामाजिक सर्व - हितकारी नियम पालने में परतन्त्र रहना चाहिये, और प्रत्येक हितकारी नियम में सब स्वतन्त्र रहें। 
  1. The Primordial Root of all true knowledge and of objects made known by true knowledge is the Supreme God. 
  2. God is the personification of Existence, Intelligence and Bliss. He is Formless, Almighty, Just, Benevolent, Unborn, Endless, Unchangeable, Beginningless, Incomparable, Support of All, Lord of All, All pervading, immanent. Undecaying, Imperishable, Fearless, Eternal, Holy and Maker of the Universe. To Him - alone is worship due. 
  3. The Veda is the Scripture of all true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of every Ārya to learn and teach the Veda, to hear it, being read and to read it out to others. 
  4. We should be ever ready to embrace truth and forsake untruth. 
  5. All acts should be done in accordance with Dharma after deliberating over what is right and what is wrong. 
  6. The prime object of the Ārya Samāja is to do good to the world, that is, to promote its physical, spiritual and social well being of all.
  7. Our conduct towards all should be guided by love, righteousness and justice. 
  8. We should dispel ignorance (avidyā) and promote knowledge (vidyā). 
  9. No one should be content with promoting only his own good; on the contrary, he should look for his good in promoting the good of all. 
  10. All men should subordinate themselves to the laws of society calculated to promote the well - being of all; they should feel free in regard to the laws promoting individual well - being.